Modifying DOM Elements Managed by the Lightning Component Framework

The framework creates and manages the DOM elements owned by a component. If you want to modify these DOM elements created by the framework, modify the DOM elements in the handler for the component’s render event or in a custom renderer. Otherwise, the framework will override your changes when the component is rerendered.
For example, if you modify DOM elements directly from a client-side controller, the changes may be overwritten when the component is rendered.
You can read from the DOM outside a render event handler or a custom renderer.
The simplest approach is to leave DOM updates to the framework. Update a component’s attribute and use an expression in the markup. The framework’s rendering service takes care of the DOM updates.
You can modify CSS classes for a component outside a renderer by using the $A.util.addClass()$A.util.removeClass(), and $A.util.toggleClass() methods.
There are some use cases where you want to perform post-processing on the DOM or react to rendering or rerendering of a component. For these use cases, there are a few options.

DOM: Document Object Model

The DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.
The DOM defines a standard for accessing documents:
"The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document."
The W3C DOM standard is separated into 3 different parts:
  • Core DOM - standard model for all document types
  • XML DOM - standard model for XML documents
  • HTML DOM - standard model for HTML documents
