function to check if a given array is BST or Not

//function to check if a given array is BST or Not
boolean canRepresentBST(int pre[]) 
Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>();
                 int root = Integer.MIN_VALUE;    //  Integer.MIN_VALUE=2147483648

// Traverse given array
for (int i = 0; i < pre.length; i++) 
 if (pre[i] < root) /* if current elemnt is less than root*/
return false;

/*if   TOP of the stack  is less than the current element  
                          then  make  the ROOT= TOP  and TOP=ELEMENT  */
while (!s.empty() &&  s.peek() < pre[i]) 
root = s.peek();
return true;


                             30                                                                                                70
      20                                35                                                                60                           75

10           25               32          36                                              55             65           72           77


50   30     20    25      10    35     32       36            70    60         55    65   75    72    77

          put all the LEFT values in the stack until first right(25) come to traverse. when first right(25) comes then remove all the values(10,20) those are less than first right(25)  and store the rest values(25,30,50) in the stack and make the root=20 i.e  just less than the right value(25) and so on...
